Dennis Schuller US President
Rudy Reyes Vice President

Marijuana is legalized in Minnesota and half of the fifty states. But now the fight is at the federal level. I’m positive this is why I deserve your vote:
Pro Legalization – Yes
Pro Environment - Hemp is part of the the global sustainability answer
Pro Law Enforcement – Legalization lets police focus on crime instead of issuing tickets for trivial offenses
Pro Family – A non-violent, caring parent is a good parent; Cannabis is not a crime
Pro Privacy – Growing a plant or garden in your home without a license is a right
Pro Business – Hemp and marijuana can be processed into a variety of products to be sold at market
Pro Property Rights – Marijuana is not a reason for unconstitutional search and seizure
A New Medicinal Guideline For America

More Peace Less War - "Vote NO to the Status Quo"
Support safe communities
Work to improve education
Ensure fair and reasonable treatment for
all citizens
Seek fair workplace policies that don't hurt workers
Protect our natural resources - The water we drink, the air we breathe, the food we eat
Advocate for small and large businesses
Elect Cannabis Activist Presidential Candidate
Dennis Schuller
Schuller for US President
9641 Garfield Avenue S. #20321
Minneapolis, MN 55420
Paid for by Schuller for US President Minneapolis, MN 55420