Join The Party
Write-in candidates and voters
Are you tired of the two party system because neither choice seems to speak your views?
Do you consider yourself an independent?
We want to give you options and are working with independent candidates to help them get ballot access through write-in.
Contact us today to start your campaign
We will continue updating this page with vetted candidates from around the country so you can have a better choice.
"Vote Courageous Vote Write-in
The Legal Marijuana Now Party is just beginning
The drug war and federal marijuana prohibition continue to affect everyday Americans through disparities and discrimination.
Cannabis is not a crime the plant that heals should be revered and appreciated. Medicine that we can grow helps with sustainability of the planet. Independent voices have a choice.​​​
Become a member today
Send a check to:
Legal Marijuana Now Party
9641 Garfield Avenue S. #20321
Bloomington, MN 55420
Pay Pal - paypal.me/LegalMarijuanaNow
Email for details
Telephone or in person
use the contact form and request details
to your address or telephone
Your dues are refundable​
$75.00 refund available per person per year
to Minnesota residents through the
Political Contribution Refund
2024 T-shirt Free with your membership

Contact Us
The Legal Marijuana Now Party
The Legal Marijuana Now Party is a political party organized in the United States to oppose drug prohibition. Legal Marijuana Now was established in 1998 in St. Paul, MN. It is a progression from the Grassroots party (Est. 1986).
Defending Your Right to Garden the Earth
Legalize homegrown cannabis
Erase past marijuana convictions
Ban employment drug testing
Abolish the DEA
Combat pollution through the sustainable use of hemp
End for-profit policing
Direct Candidate and Website Inquiries to
Web: LegalMarijuanaNowParty.com
Email: Admin@LegalMarijuanaNowParty.com

"Free The Weed & Free The People"
Candidate for US President
Candidate: Dennis Schuller
Office: US President
Endorsed: Legal Marijuana Now
​Ballot Status: Write-In
Residence: Minnesota
Occupation: Minnesota Businessman Canni-activist
Candidate for US Vice President
Candidate: Rudy Reyes
Office: Vice President
Endorsed: Legal Marijuana Now
​​​Ballot Status: Write-In
Residence: California
Occupation: Archaeologist & Teacher
Candidate for US Senate Minnesota
Candidate: Christopher Seymore
Office: US Senate Minnesota
Endorsed: Legal Marijuana Now
​​Ballot Status: Write-In
Residence: Minnesota
Occupation: Peace Activist
Candidate for US Senate Vermont
Candidate: Cris Ericson
Office: US Senate Vermont
Endorsed: Legal Marijuana Now
​​Ballot Status: Write-In
Residence: Vermont
Occupation: Entertainment Musician - Retired

Candidate for US House - Minnesota CD3
Candidate: Anthony Walsh
Office: US Congress District 3 Minnesota
Endorsed: Legal Marijuana Now
​​Ballot Status: Write-In
Residence: Minnesota
Occupation: Community Organizer/ Author

Prepared & paid for by the Legal Marijuana Now 9641 Garfield Ave S, #20321 Mpls. MN 55420. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate committee.